Young Woman Suing Hospital After She Was Injected With a Used Syringe


Pittsburgh, PA–a patient is suing the Forbes Regional Hospital for medical malpractice after she was allegedly contaminated with a used syringe. According to the lawsuit, Kimberlee Blocker arrived at the hospital for a surgery and was subsequently treated with the wrong anesthesia with another patient’s syringe.

As a result of the syringe mix-up , Kimberlee reportedly had to undergo a series of tests to determine if the needle had infected her, including several for HIV and Hepatitis. Luckily, Kimberlee did not contract any diseases from the used syringe, but she argues that the emotional anguish that she suffered while waiting for each test result, each a two-week stretch, was extremely upsetting.

Kimberlee’s mother, Deborah, recently stated that doctors told her daughter that the other patient’s syringe was accidentally placed on the girl’s tray. Kimberlee recently told the local news that she hopes that the lawsuit will prevent other patients from having to go through a similar ordeal.

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