Your Children Don’t Need Those Flintstones Vitamins Afterall


While many people have fond memories of taking their Flintstone Vitamins with their morning breakfast, they might be disappointed to find out that they weren’t really necessary. In fact, according to The American Academy of Pediatrics, children who are eating a healthy diet and growing appropriately don’t need the extra vitamin. However, if your child drinks less than 4 cups of vitamin D-fortified milk a day, the AAP recommends a daily vitamin D tablet. If you’re considering giving your child any other supplements, be wary–ask your doctor first since some can even be dangerous to your child’s health.

The Academy particurlarly stresses the importance of feeding your children healthy and nutritious foods, so that they can get the necessary nutrients naturally. Obviously, many parents struggle with picky eaters who refuse to touch a green vegetable, so talk to your pediatrician about your child’s diet if you’re concerned. In addition, don’t always assume that your child’s diet is lacking–many children in the U.S. are actually overweight.

Overall, if you are still considering a multivitamin for your child, make sure the label says “complete”, which means it has the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

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