March Madness Cause For Excitement, But Relax Before Taking the Wheel


One of the most exciting months in sports is now underway. March Madness begins with 68 teams and legions of fans dreaming about cutting down the nets and winning the NCAA Championship. Every year, the tournament provides dozens of memorable moments and wire-to-wire excitement. Unfortunately, the close games that have everyone on the edge of their seats may lead to an increased risk of post-game injury.

A recent study suggests that fans of the winning team are more than twice as likely to be involved in a fatal traffic accident after a close game than after a blowout. While it is unclear what the connection is between buzzer beaters and car crashes, there are a few possibilities. Close games appear to cause a rise in the level of testosterone, which then falls rapidly after a loss but lingers after a win. Another possibility is the involvement of alcohol as a crunch-time companion and celebratory thirst-quencher. Or maybe blowouts frequently result in a trickle of fans leaving over a long period of time, while nail-biters keep fans glued to the action until it’s all over (and then leave all at once).

Whatever the reason, keep this in mind while enjoying the Madness. When you take to the road after a close match up, use an extra measure of caution. Don’t let an auto accident prevent you from experiencing your One Shining Moment.

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