Construction Season Underway - Drive Accordingly


Orange, black, and white. The unmistakable colors of summertime road construction in Michigan. Despite gas prices around $4.30 per gallon (and likely climbing), spring and summer mean that many people will be hitting the road to visit parks, beaches, museums, sporting venues and, yes, to go to work as usual. And though it may not seem that way, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) can actually make your trip as convenient and as safe as possible.

Before you leave, be sure to check MDOT’s up-to-date online lane closure map. This will help you avoid or anticipate delays. If you use this map to budget your travel time properly, you can avoid being in a rush, which can lead to unsafe driving behaviors. A statewide construction map is also available to keep in your vehicle.

Another thing to keep in mind is construction zone traffic laws. A few years ago, Michigan revisited the issue of construction worker safety and enhanced penalties for violations in construction zones. Drive safely and be alert at all times, especially when workers are present.

Summer construction is an annoyance, but if you utilize these resources you can get to your destination – and start having fun – safe and sound.

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