You Shouldn't Get The Governor's Job Without The Interview


With a little over a month to go, Michigan’s gubernatorial election is shaping up to be one of the most important decisions voters have faced in the state’s recent history. While Democratic nominee Virg Bernero is looking to embrace the challenge and debate key issues in an open forum, his opponent has been trying to dodge televised debates.

Until last week, GOP nominee Rick Snyder has been largely successful in avoiding a true confrontation on the issues. That changed when Bernero attended one of his opponent’s town-hall style meetings and asked him to resume negotiations for a debate. The impromptu meeting, while well-publicized, has not changed Snyder’s position on the matter.

Snyder has several reasons to avoid an open debate on the issues. While Bernero has promised to apply to Michigan the same successful formula he used to turn the City of Lansing around, Snyder’s plans to modify the business tax has members of his own party cringing. In addition, Snyder would be forced to explain his extreme position on a woman’s right to choose:

Virg Bernero believes the voters have a right to be informed about the candidates’ positions. Apparently, Rick Snyder would rather keep you in the dark.

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