4 Tips for Selecting the Right Michigan Divorce Attorney

rings over the word divorce

Moving forward with a divorce can be very difficult to handle. Besides all the things you are facing in your personal life, you also have to make the tough decision on who to hire as a divorce attorney to represent you in your case.

Finding the right family law attorney can make a huge impact on how smoothly the process runs for you and how well your needs are represented throughout the divorce proceedings. We have gathered these tips to help you select the right Michigan divorce attorney for you.

Our legal team at Grewal Law is ready to answer your questions regarding our services and will be honest with you even if that means we are not the right fit for your case.

Call us today for a no obligation quote at (888) 211-5798.

4 Tips for Finding the Best Lansing Divorce Lawyer

Research and identify potential attorneys

Take time to research Lansing divorce attorneys before reaching out to potential counsel. Besides general searches online, utilize resources such as the State Bar of Michigan’s attorney search tool. It will help you narrow your search and will help you generate a list of potential divorce lawyers in the area.

Remember every firm is different and depending on your needs, you may find one firm will work better for you compared to another. Talk to your friends and family to see if they have any recommendations for attorneys too.

Once you have a list of potential law firms call them to ask questions you have concerning how they work with clients, their fees and how much experience they have handling similar cases. At Grewal Law, we provide free quotes because we want anyone who becomes our client to feel comfortable and to know up front the potential costs he or she may be facing in a case.

Decide what you want

Before talking to an attorney start to think about what is the ideal outcome for you in your case. There are some things which will need to be settled according to state law. For instance, under Michigan law, property is equitably divided. Aside from assets you brought into your marriage or assets received through an inheritance, everything else will be equally divided. Do not assume an attorney will be able to get you more than what is legally allowed.

Putting unrealistic expectations on the outcome of the divorce can put stress on you and can make you feel like your attorney is not fairly representing you.

Look for potential red flags

Some attorneys will promise you unrealistic outcomes. For instance, Michigan is a No Fault state which means either spouse can get a divorce without proving fault of the other party for the marriage’s breakup. The only requirement for No-Fault divorce is that one person states there has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved.

While some things are taken into consideration when making decisions regarding child custody, spousal support, and property division, proving blame will not necessarily get you ahead in a divorce.

In addition, our state has a very strict guidelines regarding the amount of child support paid using the Michigan Child Support Formula. Sometimes an attorney may say it’s possible to get more than what the formula dictates or to reduce the amount you may be required to pay, but this is typically not true. As your Lansing divorce attorney, we will show you how much the formula calculates for support in your particular case.

Watch out for these types of red flags from an attorney. Remember he or she will only be able to operate within the framework of state law and should not promise things beyond what Michigan law dictates.

Take time when making a decision

A divorce is a major life-changing event. Do not jump into making any decisions regarding who will be your Michigan family law lawyer. Take a few days to consider the options you have explored and go with the firm that makes you the most comfortable as your case moves forward. It is our goal at Grewal Law to provide compassionate legal representation.

We want our clients to know their case is important to us and that we will do everything within our power to represent their needs in the best way possible.

Hire an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in the Lansing Area

Dealing with a divorce can be overwhelming and you need a compassionate legal team to be with you throughout the entire proceedings. Use these tips to help you find the divorce attorney who is right for you. When looking for your attorney consider Grewal Law, PLLC.

Call us today at (888) 211-5798 for a no obligation quote.

We are ready to answer any questions you have regarding your case and will provide you with honest answers to help guide you in your decision-making.

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