Were You Convicted of the Improper Transportation of Medical Marijuana in Michigan?


Passage of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act in 2008 allowed for the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. A patient must be issued a registration identification card in order to get marijuana for medical treatment.

In order to transport marijuana, legally obtained for medicinal purposes, there were some restrictions under Michigan marijuana laws. If you were pulled over and the drug was not properly secured as outlined in the legal marijuana Michigan laws, you could have been charged with the Improper Transport of Marijuana. However, over time lower courts in the state ruled in the favor of individuals who were transporting usable marijuana. Finally in December 2016 the Michigan Court of Appeals heard a case regarding a patient who had been charged under the law.

In this case, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Callen Latz overturned his charge related to the illegal transportation of marijuana. The ruling found the MMMA trumps the transport laws passed by the Michigan Legislature. The court found that patients and caregivers have the right to carry medical marijuana inside a vehicle instead of in the trunk.

If you have a past conviction because your marijuana was not properly secured, then you need a skilled medical marijuana attorney. Call us for a no obligation quote today to better understand Michigan pot laws at (888) 211-5798.

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