What is Workplace Retaliation?

Woman in an office arguing with two male co-workers

Learn the Warning Signs of Workplace Retaliation

You may already be aware that there are laws in place to protect employees from harassment and discrimination. Still, many employees do not know they are protected from retaliation by their employer. Workplace retaliation can come in many forms. Here's what you need to know.

What is Workplace Retaliation?

Workplace retaliation is defined as an employer punishing an employee for engaging in any legally protected activity, such as filing a harassment or discrimination complaint. For there to be retaliation, a person involved in the situation would be making a reasonable complaint.

Examples of workplace retaliation may include actions that would negatively impact an employee, such as:

  • Being fired
  • A position demotion
  • Salary reduction
  • Reduced hours
  • Schedule changes

How You are Protected Against Retaliation

The state of Michigan prohibits employers from retaliating against employees. Relevant employee rights in Michigan include:

  • The ability to protest employer's violations or take part in related demonstrations
  • File a complaint about violations
  • Inform other employees of their rights and other laws
  • Request a meeting with HR or other supervisors regarding a violation

How Do I Prove Retaliation?

The burden to prove retaliation falls on the employee. The employee must prove their employer was aware of the action and was then subsequently treated adversely because of it. The employer is responsible for providing valid reasons for such treatment. Both parties' motives and the extent of the damage are used to determine if there was retaliation.

Employees should regularly document all behavior that they feel is part of the problem. Having proof of treatment prior to the employee's action that proves treatment of the employee changed will help build a stronger case.

Has Your Employer Retaliated Against You? We are Here to Help.

If you have experienced workplace retaliation, our attorneys are here to help. Our skilled attorneys are in your corner and will be your advocate in defending your employment rights.

At Grewal Law PLLC we understand how employment laws work to protect you. When you need support, our firm is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Call Grewal Law PLLC at (888) 211-5798 to schedule a consultation.

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