Social Host Liability Law in Michigan

Grewal Law: Four full champagne flutes sitting on a table in front of a lit up Christmas tree.

If you're planning on hosting a party this holiday season, you need to be aware of Michigan’s social host liability law. This law applies to adults who furnish alcohol to minors, and it can have significant repercussions if you're found to be in violation. This blog will explain what you need to know about social host liability law and how it can affect you this holiday season.

What is a social host liability law?

A social host liability law allows a host of a gathering to be held liable in situations where an intoxicated guest causes injury to another person. Not all states have social host liability laws—Michigan has one, but it only applies to minors.

How does this apply in Michigan?

According to Michigan law (MCL 436.1701), any person who furnishes or sells alcohol to a minor can be found guilty of a misdemeanor. If the minor’s consumption of alcohol is the cause of a person’s death or an injury that caused that person’s death, then the social host can be found guilty of a felony.

It’s crucial to note that this does not apply if the guest is 21 years of age or older. If you're hosting a holiday party where alcohol will be served, it's crucial to be aware of social host liability law and take steps to ensure that minors are not supplied with alcohol.

Were you injured by an intoxicated minor?

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by an intoxicated minor this holiday season, please don’t hesitate to reach out for legal assistance. The Grewal Law PLLC team is here to help and wants to ensure those responsible are held accountable for their actions. Please call us today for more information about how we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Call us at (888) 211-5798 or fill out a consultation request form on our website here.

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