Four Elements Needed for a Viable Medical Malpractice Case

Man and woman at consultation with lawyer

Medical malpractice occurs when a patient sustains injuries or harm from a medical professional due to negligence. To better understand if you have a claim on your hands, the Grewal Law PLLC team will highlight the four elements needed to prove that medical malpractice did occur in this blog. Keep reading for more information.

Four Elements of Medical Malpractice

As someone who is not a legal professional, you may wonder whether your situation qualifies as malpractice. To proceed, you will need to prove the following:

  1. The healthcare professional had a “standard of care” established through your relationship as a patient with them.
  2. Your healthcare professional breached that “standard of care” they were required to provide.
  3. You sustained significant damages as a result of their breach of care.
  4. Your healthcare professional’s violation was the direct cause of your damages.

What’s Next?

If you have sustained injuries due to a negligent healthcare professional, you may be legally allowed to hold them responsible for their actions. If you seek legal help, a skilled attorney can launch an investigation into your situation, request all necessary documents and materials from the healthcare professional, and take them to trial if a settlement doesn’t work out.

We highly recommend having professional legal counsel on your side while handling a medical malpractice claim. These cases can be complex and tricky, and with the wrong legal guidance, your chances of proper compensation can reduce significantly.

Michigan Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Our attorneys at Grewal Law PLLC are experienced with the laws surrounding medical malpractice claims and can assist you with getting justice. When you’re ready, contact our office here or by phone at (888) 211-5798 for a free consultation. You deserve to find peace after what you’ve been through.

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