Medical Marijuana in Michigan: What is Considered an Enclosed Locked Facility (Indoor vs. Outdoor)?


The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act allows for the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The law has specific guidelines on how the marijuana must be secured at a patient’s home or the caregiver’s place of business.

Marijuana laws in Michigan require the drug to be in an enclosed, locked facility. In addition, no more than 12 plants may be kept in the location. The 2012 marijuana law defines the space as a closet, room or other comparable, stationary and fully enclosed area.

Securing Plants at a Home or Business

The requirements for these spaces inside a building are as follows:

  • The space must be equipped with secured locks or other security devices.
  • Access to the space must only be available by a registered primary caregiver or a registered qualifying patient.

Plants grown outside are considered secure if these restrictions are met:

  • Plants are not visible to the “unaided eye” from adjacent property at ground level or from permanent structures on the property.
  • The plants are grown in a stationary structure that is enclosed on all sides with chain-link fencing, wooden slats or another type of similar material. The material must also be anchored or attached to the ground.
  • Access to the space must only be available by a registered primary caregiver or registered qualifying patient.

If you are not following one of the Michigan weed law guidelines above, you could lose the protections afforded you under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act and could face felony criminal charges. Many people struggle with the restrictions for the outdoor growth of plants and unknowingly break the law.

If you have been charged with not securing your marijuana plants, you need a marijuana defense lawyer to help you build your defense. Our team at Grewal Law can also consult with you if you are planning to grow plants outdoors to guarantee you are following all the regulations for legal marijuana in Michigan.

Legal Help Understanding Marijuana Laws in Michigan

At Grewal Law PLLC we have a medical marijuana attorney ready to help you understand the laws regarding enclosed locked facilities for your plants. Whether or not you are facing charges or if you want to make sure the facility you are using for your plants is secure, our team will help you understand the Michigan pot laws today.

Contact us for your no obligation quote at (888) 211-5798.

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