3 Ways to Stand Up to Sexual Abusers


For any survivor of sexual abuse, there are countless thoughts, hardships, and questions that come to mind. Far too often, these incidents go away, and the survivor doesn’t stand up to those who sexually abused them.

It doesn’t go away for the survivor, though.

The mental suffering and anguish can last years. This is what makes it imperative to stand up to those who are guilty of sexual abuse. Before you move forward, here are three ways that you can stand up to your abuser so you can move forward.

Report the Incident

Reporting the incident is imperative to help hold the abuser truly accountable for their actions. Countless incidents of sexual abuse go unreported out of fear or some other concern. This means those guilty of such action get away without having to face the consequences of their actions.

File Criminal Charges

After you report the incident, the abuser may face arrest and serious criminal charges. As a survivor you should encourage the pursuit of criminal changes so the abuser must face the consequences of his or her actions against you.

File a Personal Injury Lawsuit

One you have filed criminal charges, you can file civil charges to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. While a “not guilty” verdict in criminal charges won’t impact your civil lawsuit, a “guilty” verdict can help you obtain the justice that you need.

Filing a personal injury lawsuit for sexual abuse allows you to cover the expenses associated with the damages you have experienced because of this heinous action. It can cover therapy costs, medical expenses, and more.

At Grewal Law, we stand with sexual abuse survivors to hold abusers accountable for their actions. When you need justice for the wrongs you have experienced, you can count on us to be by your side every step of the way.

Hiring our Michigan sexual abuse lawyers puts you in a position to protect your rights and understand your options from start to finish. We’ll work with you to move forward in a manner that focuses on your health, your mindset, and your best interests.

Call our firm at (888) 211-5798 to stand up to sexual abuse.

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