Survivors of Dr. Robert Anderson’s Sexual Misconduct at U of M Speak Out in Video

Athlete Doctor

Many have heard how the University of Michigan (U of M) has found itself in the middle of another sexual assault coverup scandal, this time over the nearly 40 years of sexual misconduct by former U of M physician Robert Anderson. Well over 900 survivors have come forward with their stories of sexual abuse, harassment, and assault—among whom are former college athletes and the son of legendary football coach Bo Schembechler. In an exclusive video by Anderson Survivors Legal Team, survivors shared their heartbreaking stories.

Anderson was known to give unnecessary and inappropriate genital, prostate, rectal, pelvic, and breast exams to patients. Survivors detailed that no matter what they went in for—whether it was for a physical exam or treatment for an injury—Anderson would perform these exams. These claims were supported in a 240-page investigative report.

Per the same report, university officials knew of Anderson’s misconduct for almost the entirety of his 37-year career at U of M. Still, the university kept him on staff, allowing him to hold positions of power: associate physician then director of University Health Services (UHS), team physician for the athletic department, clinical faculty positions, and more.

Bo Schembechler had heard of Anderson’s abuse, not only from the countless players who mentioned it to him but also from his son, Matt Schembechler. When Matt was 10 years old, he was abused by Anderson during a physical exam. Instead of being there to support his son, Bo punched 10-year-old Matt in the chest, saying he did not want to hear about it. Matt’s mother reported the abuse to then-athletic director Don Canham, who promptly fired Anderson; he was, however, shortly reinstated as team physician, per Bo’s request.

According to investigations, Anderson used his position of power to sexually assault and abuse men and women, adults and minors, those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and those who are not.

If you have been the victim of sexual assault, our compassionate attorney team at Grewal Law PLLC is here to help you... Call (888) 211-5798 or submit an online form to request a free consultation with a Michigan trial lawyer.

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