New Horizons for Medical Marijuana in Michigan


The question for Michiganders is simple; do we legalize, regulate and tax cannabis for medical and recreational purposes, and use the money to fund our schools and roads?

Or do we allow that money to have no socially beneficial purpose? Investors are flocking to Lansing with the hope of gaining licenses and favorable disposition with state regulators – once they are appointed.

Cognitive dissonance is natural when looking at this issue. Nearly 100 years of prohibition and negative propaganda relative to cannabis has had a profound impact on societies’ perspective. “The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself.” ~ FDR.

Ironically, FDR ushered cannabis prohibition in at the federal level. States preceded federal prohibition, and now, states are undoing this misguided approach to cannabis. There is hope that Michigan can get this policy right!

While there is no changing the failing federal cannabis policy under the Trump Administration; Michigan can make the right policy if political good will is maintained.

If you don’t know your rights, you’d better call Grewal today at (888) 211-5798!

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