Coping Mechanisms for Survivors of Sexual Assault


Dealing with sexual assault can be extremely difficult for anyone who experiences this heinous act. It may feel as though you no longer have a voice and that your rights have been violated. In many instances, it causes you to relive the moments of fear and anguish.

Because there are so many negative effects associated with sexual assault, it is important for survivors to recognize the many ways they can cope with the mental trauma. It may not remove the instance from ever happening in your life, but it can help you move forward in a productive and positive manner.

Open Up About Your Situation

Far too often, survivors of sexual assault keep quiet about what happened to them. Whether they feel threatened or ashamed of speaking out, they make the decision to keep the traumatic events to themselves and refuse to let anyone help.

What you encountered is a disgusting act, yes, but you have no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Opening up about your situation allows you to find others like you who have experienced this difficult situation, as well as overcome some of the feelings you may have.


Going through therapy or counseling can help you gain a new outlook on your life. It doesn’t encourage you to forget what happened. Rather, it gives you the opportunity to grow from it and find ways to help others who may not feel as though they have rights.

Counseling can give you a unique perspective on your situation. It can help you mentally heal, and remove some of the fear from your life.

Taking Legal Action

It may feel as though legal action is unnecessary, but it can be helpful. It’s not just about money in these situations. Something so personal requires the pursuit of justice to show the abuser that these acts are not tolerated. Abusers need to understand that there are consequences for their actions.

At Grewal Law, we truly care about our clients and want the most for them. This is an extremely difficult time, and you need someone on your side who can help you cope mentally and physically. At Grewal Law we work for you so you can enjoy a healthier life.

With our Michigan sexual assault attorneys on your side, you can feel confident that someone is looking out for your best interests every step of the way. Trust us to be your advocates from start to finish.

Call our firm today at (888) 211-5798 to discuss your potential case.

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