Tips to Help Ease the Stress of Custody Sharing During the Holidays

Two happy little girls riding a sled in snow.

Parenting Time During the Holiday Season

No matter what time of year, custody sharing requires following your court order. However, when the holiday season approaches, parenting time can get tricky when both parents have separate lives, including individual family gatherings and other events that increase during the holiday season. Trying to get your ex-spouse to agree on time-sharing changes can be stressful. However, here are some tips to keep everyone full of good cheer!

Follow Your Custody Order

While you and your ex-spouse have been sticking to your custody agreement all year long and parenting time has gone off without a hitch, take a second look at your custody agreement to find any agreements made for holiday schedules. Custody agreements often map out holiday schedules in advance to be fair to the parents and are in the children's best interest. For example, the children's mother may have Christmas day on odd years and dad on even years. Read on to learn how to handle plans that affect your holiday schedule outlined in your custody order.

Have Good Communication

If your plans interfere with your holiday custody agreement, you must communicate effectively with your ex-spouse and work out a reasonable arrangement. For example, you have your children on Christmas Eve, and you've traveled a great distance for a family gathering. Still, unforeseen circumstances require you and your children to stay overnight. It's critical to let your ex-spouse know as soon as possible if it cuts into their parenting time on Christmas Day.

Establish New Traditions

If you are newly divorced, your children may be used to certain traditions where both parents are present. Creating new traditions can help a child better cope with their new situation. For example, make a yearly tradition of baking holiday cookies together and send them as gifts to neighbors and friends, or volunteer together at your favorite charity. When it comes to holiday traditions, you can be as creative as you want to be.

Need Help With Child Custody? Grewal Law PLLC Is Here For You.

You want what's best for your children, and when going through a divorce, emotions can run high for both parents vying for shared time. Sadly custody battles are far too common, and not only can this take an emotional toll on parents, but it can affect children too. Child custody laws in Michigan are in place to ensure the best interests of the children. We are here to help you keep your children safe and protect your' custody rights.

Contact Grewal Law PLLC at (888) 211-5798 to schedule a free consultation today.

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