Misdiagnosis Over 100 Years of Collective Experience


Doctors and other medical professionals have a duty to provide a reasonable standard of care to their patients. Part of this duty includes correctly diagnosing illnesses and conditions within a reasonable length of time. Whether it is missed, delayed, or simply incorrect, a wrong diagnosis can prove devastating, as early detection and treatment is key in overcoming many diseases.

When doctors are negligent in diagnosing an illness or disease — either by failing to diagnose or misdiagnosing a condition — patients and their families may be able to take legal action to recover compensation for their damages. At Grewal Law PLLC, our seasoned medical malpractice attorneys can apply over 100 years of experience to your misdiagnosis claim in Michigan. By investigating the cause of your injuries and relying on expert testimony to build a case, we will serve as committed advocates for your rights.

To learn more, contact the delayed diagnosis lawyers at Grewal Law PLLC for a free consultation. Call us at (888) 211-5798 today.

Our Settlements & Verdicts

  • $7.5 Million Confidential Settlement

    Confidential medical malpractice settlement.

  • $7.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    An 8-year-old child experienced a blockage of her airway following a surgical procedure at a healthcare facility in Michigan.

  • $4.8 Million Birth Injury

    Settlement for a baby who suffered complications from a lack of oxygen from a delayed C-section at the time of birth.

  • Over $4 Million Medical Malpractice

    A surgeon admitted that he was negligent during a surgery that resulted in organ failure, requiring expensive and lifelong treatment unless the patient receives a successful organ transplant.

  • $2.6 Million Medical Malpractice

    A 19-year-old man sustained permanent paralysis from the chest down as the result of medical negligence during back surgery.

Client Testimonials

Delayed Cancer Diagnosis

Delayed diagnosis resulting from medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to promptly and accurately diagnose a medical condition, leading to harm or injury to the patient. Several common causes of delayed diagnosis due to medical malpractice include:

  • Failure to order appropriate tests: Healthcare providers may neglect to order necessary diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, imaging studies, or biopsies, which are crucial for identifying the underlying cause of a patient's symptoms.
  • Misinterpretation of diagnostic tests: Even when tests are conducted, errors in interpreting the results can occur. This may include misreading imaging studies, misunderstanding laboratory results, or overlooking key findings that would lead to a correct diagnosis.
  • Failure to recognize red flags: Healthcare providers may overlook or dismiss warning signs or symptoms that indicate a serious medical condition, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Ignoring patient complaints: Patients may express concerns or report symptoms that are disregarded or minimized by healthcare providers, leading to delays in further investigation and diagnosis.
  • Inadequate follow-up: After initial assessments or diagnostic tests, healthcare providers may fail to follow up appropriately with patients to monitor their condition or pursue further evaluation, leading to delays in diagnosis.
  • Miscommunication among healthcare providers: Poor communication between healthcare providers, such as incomplete transfer of medical records or failure to convey critical information during handoffs, can lead to delays in diagnosis or missed opportunities for timely intervention.
  • Negligent examination: Inadequate physical examinations or failure to conduct a thorough medical history review may result in missed opportunities to identify symptoms or signs indicative of a medical condition.
  • Diagnostic errors due to biases: Healthcare providers may be influenced by cognitive biases, such as anchoring bias or confirmation bias, which can lead to errors in diagnostic reasoning and delays in arriving at an accurate diagnosis.
  • Lack of specialist referral: Failure to refer patients to specialists for further evaluation or consultation, particularly in cases where a condition is complex or outside the healthcare provider's expertise, can contribute to delays in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Inadequate documentation: Poor documentation of patient symptoms, examination findings, or diagnostic reasoning can lead to delays in diagnosis, as subsequent healthcare providers may not have access to complete and accurate information.

A delayed cancer diagnosis can be particularly tragic because early detection of cancer often is the difference between life and death. Victims of breast cancer have a 95% survival rate when the disease is detected in its earliest stage. When breast cancer reaches Stage 4 undetected, the chances of survival is only 7%.

Unfortunately, doctors sometimes ignore symptoms and miss or greatly delay a cancer diagnosis and treatment. When a doctor fails to accurately read or interpret X-rays or blood tests, he or she can be held legally responsible for the injuries or wrongful deaths that result from their medical malpractice.

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    Grewal Law has been amazingly empathetic and forward-thinking through this very emotional and trying time.
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    Grewal Law offers a service to its clients, that is professional and the entire staff makes a personal effort to help each individual.
    - M.L.O

What Counts as Misdiagnosis?

Misdiagnosis occurs when a medical condition is incorrectly identified, leading to inappropriate treatment or management. It can result from various factors, including:

  • Incorrect disease diagnosis: This is when a medical condition is diagnosed incorrectly, either due to similarities in symptoms with other conditions or lack of thorough examination.
  • Failure to identify the underlying cause of a condition: Sometimes, a medical professional may diagnose a condition without identifying its root cause. This can lead to ineffective treatment and potential worsening of the condition.
  • Medication side effects and prescription errors: Misdiagnosis can occur when symptoms are mistaken for side effects of medications or when incorrect medications are prescribed.
  • Failure to provide a diagnosis in a reasonable amount of time: Delayed diagnosis can lead to prolonged suffering for the patient and may allow the condition to worsen.
  • Overdiagnosis: This happens when a condition is diagnosed even though the patient may not actually have it, leading to unnecessary treatment or intervention.
  • Underdiagnosis: Conversely, this occurs when a condition is missed or not diagnosed at all, often due to atypical symptoms, lack of awareness, or inadequate testing.
  • Diagnostic errors due to biases: Sometimes, healthcare providers may be influenced by cognitive biases, leading them to overlook certain information or misinterpret symptoms.
  • Laboratory or imaging errors: Misinterpretation of test results or errors in conducting tests can lead to incorrect diagnoses.
  • Communication breakdown: Poor communication between healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers can contribute to misdiagnosis by leading to misunderstandings or incomplete information exchange.
  • Rare or uncommon conditions: Conditions that are rare or less commonly encountered may be overlooked or misdiagnosed initially due to their unfamiliarity.

Diagnostic errors come in many forms, from missing the signs of a heart attack to a delayed lung cancer diagnosis. According to one study published in BMJ Quality and Safety, reports on diagnostic errors in the United States can vary, as most errors go unreported and may not present a serious threat to the patient. However, even conservative estimates show that doctors and specialists commit misdiagnosis and other diagnostic errors at least 10-15% of the time.

Additionally, according to a comprehensive review by Johns Hopkins Medicine, diagnostic error is the top cause for medical malpractice claims. It’s estimated that up to 160,000 patients every year suffer serious injuries or death as a direct result of a misdiagnosis. Although it isn’t always easy for physicians to get a diagnosis exactly right the first time, medical professionals have an obligation to exercise due diligence in diagnosing patients.

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