So Much for the Ground Hog!


The Lansing area is digging out from under as much as 11 inches of snow which came on the heels of a brief taste of spring. Mail boxes have been reported damaged by ploughs along Cedar and Miller according to a Lansing residents on the Lansing State Journal’s website.

Be it snow ploughs or drivers finding it difficult to navigate the city’s streets, there is a greater risk of auto accidents right now. With road conditions such as they are, Lansing area motorists must exercise caution. Auto accidents which result in death or serious impairment of body function may result in criminal and civil liability.

It is important for Michigan motorists to remember the new anti-texting law which recently went into effect July 1, 2010. Texting while driving in the current road conditions may lead to serious consequences. Studies have shown there is a 23 times greater chance a person will be involved in an auto accident while texting than one who is not texting.

Exercise caution and stay off the cell phone while we borough through winter’s latest snub to Punxsutawney Phil.

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