Bernero Puts Main Street First, Not Wall Street


Michigan gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero has a simple message for voters: Make Michigan Work Again! Part of Bernero’s plan is to call upon Congress to provide private-sector funding for small business owners in Michigan. Although the plan would benefit Michigan entrepreneurs, Bernero’s opponent has refused to join the effort, choosing partisan politics over helping Michigan citizens.

In fact, Bernero’s record clearly shows that he is a friend of small-business owners. His opponent, on the other hand, is “proud” of outsourcing Michigan jobs and has refused to debate Bernero on these issues.

Michigan citizens need someone to fight for them, not for big business and insurance companies. Bernero will work to keep jobs in Michigan and create new opportunities for small business owners and middle-class families. This November, you will have your chance to decide who you want to lead our state into the new decade.

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