What are the Grounds to File for Divorce in Michigan?


Many reasons arise that cause couples to want to divorce. Whatever the case for your need to divorce, you must recognize what the laws say regarding the grounds that allow you to file. Many states have various situations that must arise before you can file for a divorce.

Michigan operates on a no-fault basis when it comes to divorce. Either you or your spouse can file the divorce, and there are no real grounds necessary to file. However, while fault doesn’t impact your ability to divorce, it can affect some of the factors involved in a divorce.

Michigan’s No-Fault Divorce

In Michigan’s no-fault divorce laws, neither party must provide a reason for the divorce other than the breakdown of the marriage. You can simply show that your marriage is beyond any kind of repair and the irretrievably broken.

You don’t have to prove that your spouse cheated on you or committed any other act which would typically warrant a divorce. The court can finalize a divorce for whatever reason you claim broke up your marriage.

What This Means for You

While a no-fault divorce can remove some of the problems you may face during a divorce, fault can still play a role in other matters, including child custody, child support, property division, and alimony. A judge may rule against a guilty party if you or your spouse did something that led to the divorce.

Regardless of the cause of your divorce, it’s vital to speak with an attorney. Understanding matters regarding support and custody can give you peace of mind throughout the process. A lawyer can safeguard your rights, working to protect you from the long and contentious process.

Our Michigan divorce lawyers at Grewal Law, PLLC will work with you to understand your rights and your needs. We’ll work to protect you through the complex matters, so you know what to expect. When you need peace of mind, let us be there for you.

Call our firm today at (888) 211-5798 to speak with a legal professional.

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