Human Trafficking Over 100 Years of Collective Experience


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that devastates lives. According to the U.S. Department of State, it is “the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud or coercion.” The National Human Trafficking Resource Center has received reports of trafficking in all 50 states, so no one is as far removed from it as they might suspect.

Crimes of human trafficking compel or coerce an individual into involuntary servitude, which has been illegal since the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited slavery. Human traffickers are skilled at deception and exploitation of vulnerable populations. The U.S. government has prosecuted human trafficking crimes in many diverse places, from agricultural fields to suburban mansions, and escort services and strip clubs.

Grewal Law, PLLC represented one-third of the survivors in the MSU and Larry Nassar lawsuits, resulting in a $500 million settlement. We are also part of a legal team currently representing over 100 survivors of Robert Anderson at University of Michigan. We are pleased to announce a $490 million settlement in principle.

Our Settlements & Verdicts

  • $500 Million Larry Nassar Lawsuit

    We represented 111 of the 333 survivors in the lawsuits against Michigan State University for sexual abuse involving the former MSU doctor, Larry Nassar.

  • $490 Million Robert Anderson Lawsuit

    Grewal Law is part of a legal team currently representing over 200 survivors of Robert Anderson at University of Michigan. The case has settled with a $490 million settlement.

  • $380 Million USA Gymnastics Settlement

    USAG/USOPC Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Settle for $380 million. We represent 112 of the approximately 500 survivors who will share in the settlement.

  • $144 Million FBI Settlement

    We represented 44 of the 144 clients for approx. $144 million settlement. The FBI failed to timely and adequately investigate credible claims of abuse levied against Larry Nassar beginning no later than June or July of 2015, resulting in hundreds of additional incidents of sexual abuse until Nassar was finally arrested in November 2016.

Client Testimonials

What to Do if You Have Been a Victim of Human Trafficking

If you were exploited by a trafficker, you may have legal recourse to hold the wrongdoers legally accountable for their actions. You may be able to bring a civil lawsuit against any parties that were complicit with the traffickers, such as hotel staff, websites that facilitated trafficking, and any other person or entity involved.

At Grewal Law PLLC, we provide legal representation for survivors of human trafficking. We know you have endured indescribable pain, suffering, and other damages to your life. Our compassionate attorneys can provide the legal assistance you need to start rebuilding your life.

If you are a survivor of human trafficking or know someone who is, we offer free, confidential consultations at Grewal Law PLLC. Call (888) 211-5798 or complete our online message form to schedule a free initial consultation.

    "Thank you so much for all of your dedication and assistance!"
    Grewal Law has been amazingly empathetic and forward-thinking through this very emotional and trying time.
    - Anonymous
    "The service from this company is fantastic. It is a team that will represent you well."
    Grewal Law offers a service to its clients, that is professional and the entire staff makes a personal effort to help each individual.
    - M.L.O

Commercial Sex Trafficking

If you are a survivor of commercial sex trafficking, you’re not alone, as millions of victims are reported every year. Women and young girls account for 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). They are deceptively recruited into the commercial sex trade easily, as establishments such as hotels, cruise ships, casinos, nightclubs, and resorts allow the practice to flourish by turning a blind eye for the sake of profits. This massive criminal enterprise rakes in billions of dollars every year through deceit. Perpetrators may promise a better life, sometimes with the offer of a nonexistent job as a nanny, model, dancer, or waitress. Some women accept these seemingly too-good-to-be-true offers in the hopes of escaping poverty. Regardless of the reason, sex trafficking is a horrific crime that should be punished accordingly.

Forced Labor Schemes

An estimated 21 million people around the world are victims of forced labor, according to the ILO. Sometimes called involuntary servitude or modern-day slavery, it is obtained using force, fraud, or coercion. Individuals who are targeted usually come from a disadvantaged background or other vulnerable group, such as indigent undocumented immigrants or disabled persons. They are forced to work in any variety of skilled or unskilled labor, such as doing domestic work, construction, or agricultural service.

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