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How the #MeToo Movement Gave a Voice to Many


For too long, the rich and powerful have used their wealth and influence to silence survivors of sexual abuse and assault.

The #MeToo movement changed that.

Below, we discuss what brought about the #MeToo movement and explain how it continues to give a voice to sexual assault survivors.

What is the #MeToo Movement?

The #MeToo movement exploded on social media as a vehicle for survivors of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment to share their stories. The movement gained significant traction after news broke in 2017 about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s decades-long abuse of women he worked with.

In most of the stories shared as part of the #MeToo movement, men and women detailed instances of sexual harassment or assault perpetrated against them, mostly by wealthy, powerful men—people who had previously thought they could commit these acts with impunity.

With the rise of the #MeToo movement, men and women across the country—and around the world—decided that the time was up for these people. They could no longer hide behind their wealth and power. They too would have to answer to the world for their crimes.

Over 200 celebrities, politicians, CEOs, and other powerful individuals have been accused of sexual misconduct as part of the #MeToo movement since 2017. There is no doubt that, in the absence of the #MeToo movement, not nearly as many perpetrators of sexual assault or harassment would have been exposed.

Why is the #MeToo Movement Important?

The #MeToo movement has been vitally important in bringing a voice to those who thought they were voiceless. For far too long, sexual abuse and assault survivors were intimidated or threatened into silence. Or what is perhaps even worse—many survivors felt as though, even if they were to come forward, they would not be believed and face degradation and humiliation from their community, the media. The world was not ready to listen to their stories.

The #MeToo movement changed that. With thousands of survivors coming forward at the same time, the world could see how rampant and prevalent this issue was—and in nearly every industry. The world’s eyes had been opened.

This does not mean, however, that justice now comes easy for survivors. The rich and powerful remain rich and powerful, and as such, the scales of justice may remain tipped in their favor. There are still many instances in which perpetrators do not face consequences for their crimes. Or if they do, the punishment does not fit the crime they committed.

This is why it’s important to have experienced counsel on your side should you decide to press charges or pursue a civil claim against a perpetrator. At Grewal Law PLLC, we know what it takes to fight for justice in situations like these. We represented one-third of the first wave of plaintiffs in the Larry Nassar case and achieved a $500 million settlement for them. Each case is unique, and we want to help you, too.

Contact Grewal Law PLLC today at (888) 211-5798 to schedule a free, confidential consultation with our team.

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