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Why Don’t Some Survivors Report Institutional Sexual Assault?

Why Don’t Some Survivors Report Institutional Sexual Assault?

Survivors of institutional sexual assault face a unique set of barriers to reporting. Many survivors feel ashamed, embarrassed, or scared to report their experience because they may not be believed or supported. They may also fear retaliation from the institution if they speak out about what happened.

Additionally, some survivors do not understand their rights and don’t know who to turn to for help. All these factors can make it difficult for them to come forward and share their story with authorities. This lack of understanding and support from institutions is one reason why many survivors choose not to report an incident of institutional sexual assault.

The Stigma of Being a Sexual Assault Survivor

Survivors of sexual assault often face immense stigma in our society. This is due to the fact that people may view survivors as 'damaged goods' and believe that they are somehow ‘at fault’ for being assaulted. This type of thinking can create an environment where survivors feel ashamed or embarrassed about their experiences, leading them to suffer in silence rather than seek out help and support.

Furthermore, this stigma can lead others to doubt a survivor's account of what happened, further isolating them from those who could provide much-needed assistance. It is essential that we work towards destigmatizing the experience of sexual assault so that more survivors feel comfortable coming forward with their stories and getting the help they need.

Fear of Another Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a traumatic experience that can have long-lasting emotional and psychological consequences. One of the most common reactions to such an attack is fear, which can manifest in various ways depending on the individual. For some survivors, this fear may take the form of a fear of another sexual assault or even an extreme aversion to physical contact or intimacy with others.

This fear often leads to feelings of vulnerability and insecurity, as well as difficulties trusting other people. It can also lead to avoidance behavior, such as not going out alone at night or refusing invitations from friends for social events. In order for survivors to heal and move forward, it's important that they seek help from professionals who understand their needs and provide resources tailored specifically for them.

If you’re the victim of institutional sexual assault, call our firm today at (888) 211-5798!

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