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Grewal Law PLLC Takes on Human Trafficking & Sexual Assault Cases In Michigan


At Grewal Law PLLC, we are committed to helping women and children who are victims of human trafficking and sexual assault obtain the justice they deserve. As the top sexual assault survivor law firm in Michigan, our team of compassionate legal advocates has the skills and resources clients need to hold traffickers accountable.

We have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients, including the following case results:

  • $500 Million Sexual Assault Case: Our legal team represented 111 of the 333 survivors who filed lawsuits against Michigan State University for sexual abuse involving the former MSU doctor, Larry Nassar. This was the largest settlement against a University for a personal injury claim involving sexual abuse.
  • Tullymore Golf Resort Sexual Assault Case: Our team is seeking justice for a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man while she was incapacitated at Tullymore Golf Resort in Stanwood, Michigan. A former manager of Tullymore Resort was convicted for the crime by a jury in less than an hour.
  • Catholic Diocese of Lansing Sexual Assault Lawsuit: We recovered $225,000 on behalf of a client who endured sexual abuse as a child at a Lansing orphanage. The abuser was a priest affiliated with the Catholic Diocese of Lansing.

Our team is also investigating other high-profile sexual assault cases, including claims against USC Gynecologist Dr. George Tyndall.

Sex trafficking is a major issue that devastates communities across the United States. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center tracks trafficking cases in all 50 states, and according to the data the organization has collected, women, men, and children throughout the country are commonly getting caught up in the commercial sex trade.

Human trafficking is a $180 billion a year criminal enterprise. Establishments in local communities, such as hotels, casinos, resorts, and nightclubs, allow this criminal activity to flourish due to how profitable the underground sex trade industry has become.

According to data collected by the International Labor Organization, 4.8 million people were victims of the commercial sex trade in 2017. The majority of these victims were women and children, but men can be targeted too. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says that 1 in 7 runaway children report getting caught up in human trafficking.

If you or someone you know is a victim of sex trafficking, you should call (888) 211-5798 to speak with a Michigan sexual abuse lawyer about what we can do for you.

What Is Considered Sex Trafficking?

While sex trafficking can take many forms, the U.S. Department of State defines it as “the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.”

Vulnerable adults and children often find themselves in the sex trade after being told lies about opportunities for a better life or good job. Some women are offered jobs as nannies, models, dancers, or waiters, while men are told they will work in construction or farming.

However, these promises are all false, and the traffickers instead rely on violence and psychological manipulation to control the victim and force them to pay back their “debt.” Victims are often too scared to go to the police because traffickers threaten harm against their families.

What Industries are Prime for Sex Trafficking?

Businesses in the hospitality industry are often targeted by traffickers because these establishments offer privacy and anonymity to guests. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security cites hotels and motels as the most common territories for traffickers. Other targets include theme parks, cruise ships, resorts, and nightclubs.

The following are signs that a hotel or other establishment is being used for sex trafficking:

  • Women or men at the establishment have no control over their possessions or ID
  • Women, men, or children who appear to be constantly monitored
  • Guests who request housekeeping services but deny entry
  • Guests who stay for long periods of time but have few or no personal possessions
  • People loitering and soliciting male patrons
  • Rooms being rented hourly, less than a day, or periods that aren’t normal
  • People inappropriately dressed for their age or wearing poorer quality clothing compared to others they are with

Our Legal Team Values the Privacy of Sex Trafficking Victims

When it comes to human trafficking, we understand that victim safety is crucial, which is why our lawyers will stand by your side throughout your entire case. Confronting a trafficker can be an overwhelming experience, but our lawyers will arrange for you to provide your statements privately, and we will advise you about what to expect when you are questioned about your experience. You can trust you’re in safe hands when you choose Grewal Law PLLC to handle your case.

We Will Fight For You. Call (888) 211-5798 Today.

Our legal team is here to assist if you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking. At Grewal Law PLLC, our goal is to put a stop to human trafficking, which is why we are dedicated to taking on these cases throughout Michigan. Don’t think you have to go through this alone, call us today for a free and confidential consultation with one of our experienced legal advocates.

Call (888) 211-5798 today to schedule your free consultation to discuss your human trafficking case with one of our attorneys in Michigan.

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